ADHD Challenge
Day 1: What’s your diagnosis and how old were you?
combined type with GAD- going for a 3rd consideration for anymore comorbid
Dxed in 6th and 10th grade
Day 2: What made you realize you had AD/HD?
all of my friends had it so I got thinking and then I had all of the typical problems that people with ADHD have arise during puberty. I had childhood issues, but they became worse with puberty and the hyperactivity changed into a different form of hyperness( verbally and impulsively- always had been impulsive) I still have some motor hyperactivity
Day 3: Who has been the most supportive?
not applicable
Day 4: Most funny AD/HD story.
too many but one was an example of my impulsive comments. I had brought in mealworms to one of my classes as a kid. I thought it was really funny and cool to look at them. The entire class was freaking out and looking at it. Halfway during class I dropped them and there were a lot too. They began to craw away(like ten of them. The entire class was freaking out and pointing at them) I got in trouble that time. The other time, I was at my job, and the kids that I was taking care of were bored. I told them to start singing christmas songs because when kids sing they are funny. They all began singing these silly/funny songs and I burst out laughing. The kids were reprimanded and so was I. At the time it was really funny, but I was being impulsive and did not stop myself. No one was in danger it was just supposed to be quiet time.
Day 5: Most embarrassing AD/HD story.
I blurt a lot so when I blurted out some really blunt comments about a girl’s body, I felt really bad and ackward afterward. I did not mean to offend anyone on purpose.
Day 6: What are some benefits of having AD/HD?
very interesting question. I’ll come back to you on that one…..
Day 7: What have been the biggest challenge of having AD/HD?
the focusing can a be a problem when I have stuff to do- ex schoolwork. I tend to end up doing all of my work the day it is due. Pressure is a great way for me to get eveything done. Still not very fun(stressful often). The impulsiveness can lead to too many foot in mouth moments and doing really stupid things at your job because you dont slow down and think now is this a good idea?
if you have a comorbid disorder it makes the symptoms way more frustrating to deal with your disorders
Day 8: Opinion on medication?
can’t say that I am anti medication because I take some, but to answer that question, I believe that if it is done with a reliable doctor and careful titration it can be very sucessful. Do not do medication changes or addition without your doctor’s consent/knowledge. Second medication effectiveness is really dependent on the person so I find that asking what ADHD meds are best dont really help.
Day 9: What are some of your tips to help deal with your AD/HD?
do your ” true work” work when the meds are fully functioning
when hyper, spend time alone and try not to be too blurty( I know really easy to say but very hard to do. Trust me.)
have a common place to put things so you dont lose them as much( I still mess up a lot on this one)
take a breather when feeling overwhelmed or anxious so you dont have a meltdown
extended time is great for tests/finals
Day 10: The most annoying story involving negative stigma?
the whole, “oh you have ADHD, the fake disorder that everyone has. That disorder. Or “you have ADHD. So do I.” I don’t disclose that I have it to many people so not many stories to share.
Day 11: How would you change schools in order to help people with AD/HD?
More accepting of people who have severe ADHD and give them accomodations. The process for accomodations should be way easier than it is. Some of us dont have time to get 200 forms filled for an IEP or extended time.
Day 12: Do you consider AD/HD a disability or a gift?
I’m not a gifter, but it is not a horrible disorder/disease like huntingtons which is the worst disease that I can think of. ADHD presents its own challenges to deal with.
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